Thursday, November 13, 2014

Internet stuff to build

  1. An extension that does away with paginated results on ad-heavy sites, instead loading in content as you scroll so you don't have to keep reloading the whole page for more content.
  2. Web-based intellisense on GitHub for jumping to function definitions, variable declarations, etc.
  3. Web automation for the masses: automation-as-a-service for completing tasks, fetching information, or (eventually) interacting with things/people. See: email management, daily routines, etc.
  4. Automatic comment sentiment analysis, with background coloring representing the emotions, positive/negativeness, etc of comments.
  5. Real-time linguistic fingerprint analysis that matches users across sites/domains that have very similar writing patterns. Could be used to link accounts together or find writing buddies or point out inconsistencies across their writing, etc.
  6. Service-as-a-service: with the coming rise of fun and trendy TLDs, it might be worth it to design white-labelable services like blogs, URL shorteners, file storage, image uploaders, photo galleries, etc for people to just throw their new domain at.
  7. Service-as-a-service-as-a-service: I'm sure there are other domains (yay, wordplay!) out there that would benefit from #6 other than web domains. If there was a way to automatically detect what kind of services were most popular within a domain (looking at high-traffic sites/whatever?) and then generating code for them (or just outsourcing), it'd probably be possible to horizontally scale really quickly across a ton of mediums.
  8. A niche casual/speed-dating service in which DJs play songs they like and listeners can jump from room to room (in which they are the only one in the room) and can join the DJ queue to play similar music back and forth. No chat, just jammin'. Maybe chat eventually, but mostly jammin'.
  9. A Quora extension that A2As everyone possible on questions you ask and then monitors the question and revokes the A2A while they are answering so you get your credits back and a bunch of answers.

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