Wednesday, November 19, 2014

X for Y: Z

  1. Crowdfunding for lawsuits: you present your case to the Internet, people seed your legal struggles and potentially get a small cut back if you win.
  2. Tinder for music: you're thrown into a song, you listen as long as you'd like, you swipe left/right and the next song starts playing. Playlists are automatically made from the songs you like.
  3. Snapchat for emails: flip the inbox management paradigm upside down -- you're always at Inbox Zero, unless you don't want to be.
  4. GitHub for painting: record and track your strokes, play back the making of a masterpiece, fork off digital copies for trying new things, and accept pull requests.
  5. Duolingo for practical skills: learn how to weld, build computers, work on an engine, etc any time you have a few spare moments in the day.
  6. 3D printing for food: microwaves are just black boxes that sit on your counter and cook food for you. It wouldn't be weird to imagine the next generation adding one more counter black box that they occasionally refill with food materials.
  7. Siri for writing: ask questions like, "How old is Bob?" and "Where did Alice and Carol meet?" to get quick answers for continuity's sake while you write.
  8. Pandora for cooking: oh, you like these kinds of food? You might also like these.
  9. Easybake Ovens for making your own bread: because who doesn't want to easily make fresh bread?

Bonus: Bacon for cinnamon rolls. 'nuff said.

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